Worms with Ears

Dr. Flo

September 30, 2022
Zofia found a portion of another definition for “earworm” embedded in an article published in the British Journal of General Practice. Zofia found the snippets of that article to be particularly accurate as well as humorous: “Psychologically, earworms are a ‘cognitive itch.’” 
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Where is the Money Going?

The Hunter

September 23, 2022
As I write these words, I’m thinking about the conversation I was having with one of my former high school football teammates. We were at the induction ceremony for our high school football team into the Sports Hall of Fame.
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Dr. Flo

September 16, 2022
“Thank God,” Flo whispered to herself. I’m going to need way more time alone to process this before I’m ready to share it with anybody, she thought, moving over to the couch and making sure to get herself extra comfortable before plunging back into what appeared to be akin to the wardrobe door in C.S. Lewis’ most popular book.
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This Calling

The Hunter

September 9, 2022
Roger summoned me to his office over the parish intercom system. I knocked on his door and waited for a response. I heard a voice on the other side of the door shout “…Come in…” I opened the door. Roger was seated behind his mahogany desk. “…Come in. Come in…” he barked...
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