
Dr. Flo

November 26, 2021
Damn, these sobriety muscles are rusty, Dr Flo thought as she put the phone down after texting back and forth with her new sponsee. How does this work again? What am I doing? Should I even be trying to do this at this point? What do I tell the alcoholic who still suffers when I have barely cracked the Big Book this year?
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Printing Money

The Hunter

November 19, 2021
I had just finished sharing with my man Sean Anderson about this Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) Non-Currency currency play when he made the comment. Sean is a good dude and a financial money manager. I think he’s probably God’s Banker on the side but he only knew half of the story of my prior currency trading experience...
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Dr. Flo

November 12, 2021
Over two and a half years had passed since that first day of sobriety on April Fool’s Day in 2019. Dr. Flo at first felt a little nervous last night when the old college friend she was meeting up with for dinner suggested a place best known for its beer selection. It had been a bit too long since Dr. Flo had attended a 12 step meeting..
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Getting Real

The Hunter

November 5, 2021
Why is this memory important to me? Yea, Alvin was stealing from us but he was also making it rain. His wellbeing wasn’t the basis for my decision not to off his ass. I didn’t want to be a fucking accomplice to whatever Bret was contemplating...
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