The Power of Stories

Dr. Flo

October 1, 2021
Maybe it’s true what they say about creativity and madness, Dr. Flo thought as she pondered the seemingly impossible task of using the symbols of the English language to communicate the special significance of recent learnings. Continuing briefly with that line of thought, Dr. Flo realized, with more than a little surprise, that attempts to describe...
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Enough Already

The Hunter

September 24, 2021
I hang up from talking to Bret. I’m thinking “…This guy may turn out to be just the ticket or he may be a complete asshole. I trust Russ but it’s been time to get paid. Hanging out with Lita ain’t cheap and it ain’t happenin without the bag. Happy wife happy life…” Fuck it. Enough Already...
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Dr. Flo

September 17, 2021
So this is what it feels like to wait until the last minute to complete a project, Dr. Flo thought. Such a helpless feeling. It had been another week in another month in another year that appeared to be turning into a decade of Reckoning. 
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Doing the Work

The Hunter

September 10, 2021
I return Lita’s call first. She has been talking with The Good Right Archbishop, Apostle and Dr. Charlotte Saunders-Wright-Johnson Smith. The Good Rev. Dr. has been busy. She has somebody she wants me to meet. He’s name is Virgil.
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