Authentic Relating

Dr. Flo

July 9, 2021
The World’s Opening Back Up! So says the Media, and the push and pull of societal pressure claws at my neck and bites my ankles. I’m supposed to rush out from behind these safe walls, joyous and full of delight at the prospect of meeting and resuming Normal Life. I should feel happy and excited. Not terribly unexpectedly - I don’t.
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People, Plans and Style

The Hunter

July 2, 2021
My lady friend, Samantha, and I are swimming at a fitness club we belong to. I climb out of the pool following my swim and Samantha is preparing to enter the lane I’m exiting. We turn our backs momentarily and this asshole jumps in the lane ahead of Samantha. Damn. “Do you want me to say something to this asshole?” I ask twice but she insists no. So, I go inside to get changed and she gets in another lane and begins her swim...
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What's That Wet Stuff

Dr. Flo

June 25, 2021
Just TOO DAMN IMPATIENT to let it play it out, eh? Not really a big surprise there. It seems to me that the vast majority of MOTHERFUCKERS in this country can’t seem to delay gratification for even a measly ten minutes let alone ten weeks. Fine, you want the shit spelled out for you? Watch me while I drop it in your mouth like you’re some damn, newborn baby bird.
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Damn Betrayal

The Hunter

June 18, 2021
Damn Betrayal is ugly to the bone. I thought bringing family close would help me get over that betrayal shit that went down in Delaware. I am fighting to hold down two homes in foreclosure and get shit moving on the ground in here in Atlanta. I need fucking help. I take my cousin Kevin off the street. I hire him to be my running companion and watch my fucking back as I’m making dicey moves to get to the Black Godfather of Atlanta.
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