Sober Dating with Dr. Flo

Dr. Flo

July 8, 2022
Dear Phillip,‍ I really appreciate your taking the time to write to me the way you did when I asked you questions last week. It was so soothing to know...
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It’s All Good

The Hunter

July 1, 2022
I was having a conversation with this Cat I met recently. We covered a lot of shit and came across some real common ground. We were chopping it up pretty good when King, this brother’s name, said to me “…It’s Good to be here…” My response was “…It’s All Good…”
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Leo's Faith Journey

Dr. Flo

June 24, 2022
Today’s the day I have chosen to start to stop avoiding Life. Now don’t get too excited - that likely means something VERY different to me than it means to you. Every day I snooze my alarm once or twice (three times on a bad day). 
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Don’t Push Me

The Hunter

June 17, 2022
There’s something more I found because of how I answered this call. I call it the God of my understanding. I remember sharing with this woman named Joyce how I was being put out of the church in which she was a member and I was the pastor...
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