Truth Telling

Dr. Flo

April 15, 2022
The question Chop asked had been reverberating in Dr. Flo’s ears for weeks now: Do you truly believe that these default patterns can genuinely change in any real and lasting way? The question troubled Flo quite a bit, a reaction that she probably shouldn’t have been surprised by. 
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The WHYs

The Hunter

April 8, 2022
”…We have two objectives for this podcast with Terry. Create a visual profile for him of what he wants for his future and get him used to being on camera. This is necessary if he’s going to be “box office.” We’re here to have some fun…”
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Courage to Change

Dr. Flo

April 1, 2022
If the experience of sitting in front of the blank computer screen with the blinking dot hadn't been so familiar, Dr. Flo would have sworn she was experiencing some serious deja vu. The clock ticked. Flo stared out the window in her home office - home for now - the home she and Kari had shared, the home that Flo was looking forward to moving out of ASAP. 
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Box Office

The Hunter

March 25, 2022
Our team was at Terry’s home doing a film session for his upcoming portfolio and podcast release. Both Terry’ parents were present. Terry’s Mother is a tall, beautiful statuesque African American woman in her late thirties, very divaish. Mr. Richardson is a tall rugged looking brother in his early 40’s who looks to be a former ball player himself. Still looks like he could knock a mother fucker on his ass, especially behind messing with Sister Richardson.
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