When the Student is Ready...

Dr. Flo

March 18, 2022
“Dude, wouldn’t it have been so cool - so, so cool - to have had a class in school about codependency and healthy relationships? Like, why not? Really, why is this not a thing? Before all the neural pathways have a chance to take root, children could learn about what codependency and love addiction and trauma bonding look and feel like and what to do about it..."
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The Juice

The Hunter

March 11, 2022
There’s a young man in Los Angeles that can use my help. He’s a baIlplayer with a lot of upside. He has a full ride to a major D-I Institution. We’re talking NFL one day. He, however, has a problem. He’s undecided. Terry doesn’t know if he wants to be a ball player or a drug dealer...
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Wisdom to Know the Difference

Dr. Flo

March 4, 2022
Flo gently batted away the feline face that was perched upon her pillow. Of the three cats, only the oldest male had ever utilized the strategy of eating Flo’s hair in order to awaken her. Luckily he only did this on mornings when Dr. Flo slept late. Unfortunately, the behavior - which Flo perceived as odd and somewhat creepy - was usually effective, thereby likely conditioning the cat for future carnivorous behavior.
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The Story

The Hunter

February 25, 2022
I was talking with Dr. Flo over a cup of coffee. The subject of “the truth” came up. I shared with her a family rule we had growing up. We could always count on our parents support no matter what we had done as long as when we told The Story we told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Dr Flo looked at me, smiled and said “…that’s so cool…”
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