Bottoms Up

Dr. Flo

October 29, 2021
That little morsel of information was just one of a number of trust fouls encountered by Flo and Kari early in their relationship, and within the first year, after Kari didn’t take well to Dr. Flo’s first few attempts at using “I statements,” Dr. Flo did what any good love addict does, put down her step work, and made Kari her Higher Power.
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No Passes

The Hunter

October 22, 2021
I want to listen to my Board. I want them to be right and this legal shit is gonna work. But I hear my father’s voice in my head from back in the day “…be a man and stop letting people walk over you…” I haven’t made it back from the hell I’ve been thru by letting assholes like this fucking walk all over me. Then, there’s the principle of the thing. What’s the principle?
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Dr. Flo

October 15, 2021
Chop dropped down to her knees and turned to face the wall. “Chop, what’s up, honey?” Dr. Flo said softly, pausing in the midst of tying her shoes to look Chop’s way. Chop turned her head, communicating with her eyes that she heard the care in Dr. Flo’s voice. Chop then turned back toward the wall, burying her face in her hands, and stretching into Child’s Pose...
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Borrowed Time

The Hunter

October 8, 2021
I’m extracted from the rental car by people who rush to a vehicle that has flipped on I-285. Standing in the middle of the freeway looking at the car I just totaled, I realize “…I don’t have a fucking scratch on me but I also don’t have any goddamn insurance. I’m living on Borrowed Time…”
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