New (Old) Horizons

Dr. Flo

February 18, 2022
“Holy shit, that man’s eyes are some of the most beautiful I’ve seen” Dr. Flo whispered to Chop as she tried to concentrate on anything else. Flo noticed her heart racing and she felt something oddly unnamable in her throat. 
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Hell Yeah

The Hunter

February 11, 2022
Brian is a 35-year-old minister. He shared In These Rooms he has been in and out of these rooms for the past 10 years. He said he’s usually brought back in rooms after getting another DWI or when ordered by the court. He’s had four in the last 10 years. Brian’s doctors told him he would be dead in less than a year if he didn’t stop drinking. Did it make him stop? Nope.
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Dr. Flo

February 4, 2022
“What we really have is a daily reprieve contingent on the maintenance of our spiritual condition,” Dr. Flo heard from inside and outside her own mind, various voices all unanimous in gratitude for the mercy and grace they had been shown. 
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The Way You Think

The Hunter

January 28, 2022
I responded to this statement with “…I like the way you think…” It’s about The Way You Think. Legendary Pro Football Player Deon (Prime Time) Sanders was noted for saying “…If you look good, you’ll feel good. If you feel good, you’ll play good. If you play good, they’ll pay you good. It’s all in how you look…”
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