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There are two subjects that are most prominent in the news these days: the COVID-19 Vaccine for marginalized communities and/or communities of color and the voter suppression measures adopted by states across the land. I want to address both topics as the subject of this blog.

First, the COVID-19 Vaccine in marginalized communities and communities of color. We currently hear a great deal in the press and media about the need to enlist 'Trusted Messengers' to help get these communities to get over their vaccine hesitancy. There are a few questions that are not usually raised as part of these discussions: Why should Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson be enriched off the backs of vaccinating these communities because of this pandemic? If individuals in these communities need to be vaccinated, why not incentivize them with compensation for getting vaccinated? Pay them. Or, why not establish trust funds to economically benefit these communities collectively for their willingness to get vaccinated? Why should these multinational drug companies be the only ones enriched because of this global pandemic? Why don't the individuals who have to roll up their sleeves and literally take one in the arm for our collective good also get to collectively benefit financially like the multinational drug companies?

Second, the voter suppression measures adopted by republican led state legislatures in states across the land. These actions are generally understood to be undemocratic and legally dubious. Perhaps the courts, what some consider to be the third leg of the stool of democracy, will intervene and overturn or strike down these repugnant measures. That action remains to be seen.

We have been here before and previously seen and read this story. We collectively have the scars to prove it. This is 2021 and to quote the Poet Laureate Maya Angelou "...when someone shows you who they are, believe them..." We know who the people are who have committed these racist, repugnant and regressive acts. We know who they are. The question is who are we?

We have been here before. Have we learned any lessons? Are we any smarter, stronger or adept at what we should and must do next? It is said “...Insanity is doing the same over and over and expecting a different result...” Are we people who are willing to do the right thing and make sacrifices in the best interest of our children's grandchildren? In every state in which these in undemocratic measures were enacted, there are large companies if not multinational corporations. Are we willing to boycott them and instead patronize and invest in businesses that support our communities and embrace individually and corporately the activism of moving self to move the world? More to come on this subject.

We are the communities and consumers who provide the patronage that make their business models work. This is capitalism not rocket science. Money and economics keep the trains running and this system moving.


We know what time it is and we know what needs to be done. In the words of one of my favorite films The Godfather, it’s time to “...go to the mattresses...” In 2021, we have been presented with a tremendous opportunity by people with serious gangster proclivities, the politicians and state legislatures. What are we going to do about it? Do we have the courage, the wisdom of our experience, strengths and hope, and the righteous indignation of our Ancestors, to stand?


“...I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees...” —X

The Struggle Continues...

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