Expecting A Miracle

Expecting A Miracle is about the transformational stories of our lives. Expecting A Miracle is seeing our lives and our stories differently. There’s an African Proverb that says…Expecting A Miracle is seeing, thinking and yes writing a story of our lives where we are no longer the hunted. It‘s when we stop playing the victim of the stories we tell and the lives we live. I can change my past. Nothing I say or do will ever change the things I’ve done, the drinking, the arrest, the mentally abusive person I’ve been in relationships, the facts of all that shit are etched in stone. What is etched in butter is my opportunity to take the facts of that shit and make something of them that is meaningful for me and possibly empowering for others. Maybe my belief that I can take the story of the shit of my past and make of it a transformational and even a heroic story is me Expecting A Miracle.

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