
Forgiveness has not come easy for me but neither does laughter and I want and need both. I’ve had difficulty forgiving myself for the shit I’ve done in the past and the shit that has been done to me. I’ve hated myself for the mistakes I’ve made. I feel ugly on the inside for the shit I’ve done. But the funny part is I still love me some me. I feel beautiful on the inside when I find the capacity to laugh at the people, places and things that think they have the power to keep me feeling and thinking the way I’ve felt in the past. I feel beautiful and find the laughter in that shit because it’s funny how people think they have power over me other than the power I give them. It took the deleterious impact of choosing to be in a relationship of molestation to teach me this truth and to find the laughter in the futile attempts of others to keep me down and downcast. My Forgiveness is embracing the understanding that “…If you free your mind, your ass will follow…”

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