
Hell no, nothing can change our past. Yep, shit has and does happen. I was sexually molested while in Seminary. This abusive relationship went on for 14 years before I found the courage to leave that world. I can’t change that or the past. Today, I am crawling back from that hell. I’m no longer trying to change it; today I embrace it. ‘If’ I embrace it, maybe I can use it for some good. Nope, while I can’t change the shit of my past, ‘If’ I can embrace it, maybe there is someone who can find strength from my journey back from the shame of this hell. ‘If’ I embrace it, maybe I will one day be able to transform the deep pain I feel into a cause for celebration on the inside instead of masking it thru my laughter on the outside. Yea, I was molested but I can still dream ‘If’ I can keep moving forward despite my past.

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