Who’s ready to be a star?

While lookin’ for my next big talent acquisition a great idea hit me. Anybody out there with a good—no scratch that—a great idea for a show and has the balls to create a pilot episode, send that shit to info@wreckedamerica.com and I’ll post it in Wrecked America. If the people of Wrecked America dig it, I’ll offer you a contract to become a Wrecked America character where you produce your own show.

Your show could be as simple as something shot on your cell phone but just make sure it looks good.  I don’t want no preschool lookin’ shit. This is your show so, do what you want.  There are no boundaries in Wrecked America…hell, the more taboo the better.  I’ll promote, you record and we’ll share in the profits. That’s a win-win if I’ve ever seen one.  Now who’s ready to see the Damn Money?

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